The road we take in life is not always the straightest or easiest out there. We began our journeys on different continents. We weathered joyous times and turbulent times. We are very lucky to have found one another with the many paths we could have chosen. Luckily we seem to have made all the right decisions to bring us together. She started in Colombia, and he started in "smallsville" Virginia. Who would have thought their journey together would begin in Danville, Virginia of all places?
They had dinner one evening and according to her "I am going to marry this guy" is what she was saying to herself on the way home. Little did she know he was saying the same thing, but of course "girl" needs to be substituted for "guy" in there for all of this to make sense. This was before he had even met those two adorable "rugrats", Ana Sofia and Jeronimo. You can't ask for better little humans than those two. Then came the introductions of friends and family... and we all just seem to be happy that we came together.
We ask that you join us on our journey, as you are some of the most important people in the world to us.
Come and celebrate with us, we love you all!!!
Caro and Woo